Vocational Training is also imparted as a part of rehabilitation programme. Just, textual learning will not help them go up the ladder of society living. They have to be accepted by the society and should not be a burden to the family and the world around. Providing employment for persons with employment is very important because it provides opportunities for self sufficiency and improvement of their living conditions.
This is where our vocational training becomes benefited. To get them to focus well we have specially planned 7 class rooms to train them. Aim of Vocational Training encompasses an array of services designed to facilitate and ease the work of a challenged and unique person to find a job.
Work is considered therapeutic and essential for both the pyschological survival and well being of people in today’s world.
Vocational Training encompasses an array of services designed to facilitate and ease the work of a challenged and unique person to find a job.
We train differently abled and Disabled to make umbrellas, wax candles of different sizes and shapes, soaps, a wide variety of ornaments, soft toys, woollen mats, Christmas and other cards, envelopes and covers.
They also acquire the art of book binding, screen printing, glass painting, fabric painting, vegetable printing, leaf painting, stitching, flower making, creating curios, recycle crafts food preservations and cooking.